The Barbie movie by director Greta Gerwig takes some significant risks but is primarily a success.
Every Wes Anderson Movie Ranked With Asteroid City now in theaters, looking back at the career of the talked-about auteur ...
The musical industry “satire,” from Sam Levinson and The Weeknd, failed for three big reasons: It had horrible lead performances,...
Not the Black Mirror you remember?
“He’s smarter than you. He’s luckier than you.” “Rabid Dog” is more or less all talk, no (explicit) action, but...
Let’s talk about Anna Gunn and Betsy Brandt. Since the very beginning of Breaking Bad, these actresses have been tasked...
Some series offer neat, tidy payoffs week-to-week, making sure to leave viewers satisfied while leaving them with enough plot and/or...
It’s important to keep expectations in check at all times, but especially with beloved TV series. There are so many...
A Brief History of Hannibal the Cannibal Doctor Hannibal Lecter was first introduced in the 1981 novel Red Dragon followed...
Panic feeds on fear. For whatever reason, very few auteurs have emerged from the genre of the found-footage film. The...
Six films into his career, it’s clear that Paul Thomas Anderson’s ambitions outstrip those of almost all of his American...
Looper Ultimately Loses Steam but Provides Thrills and Invention Along the Way You can’t blame a guy for trying. When...
At this point in its run, it’s plain that there is no better-made show around than Breaking Bad. In terms...
Death, and endings: let’s talk about them. Even before we see the gun in Mike’s getaway bag, it seems inevitable:...
Season Five hits a bit of a pacing snag with “Buyout,” which takes a long time to reach a crisis...
Remember “Live Free or Die,” the fifth-season premiere of Breaking Bad, and its nifty but slight little magnet-powered heist? In...
How criminal is it that Anna Gunn has largely been left out of the accolades Breaking Bad has received over...
“Hazard Pay” is a classic get-the-pieces-moving episode, of the sort that serialized dramas generally need to make their season arcs...
And so the end begins. The most acclaimed drama around kicks off its last, bipartite season with…a scene in a...