The Janson Brothers: A Wild Bunch on Screen In real life, the Janson Brothers – Homer, Ulysses, Atlas, Leicster, and...
Andrea Arnold’s Unique Filmmaking Vision Having been a filmmaker for about 20 years, Andrea Arnold work still proves to be...
Bill Skarsgård’s Intense Transformation Bill Skarsgård experienced a massive physical change when he starred in Lionsgate’s The Crow. The actor...
Adapting Children’s Classics: A Case of Lost Magic Crockett Johnson’s classic book of 1955 was another victim of an adaptation...
Deadpool: The Immortal Mercenary An Invincible Superhero Deadpool, aka Wade Wilson, is an indestructible superhero in Marvel comics. Deadpool’s immortality...
Inside Out 2: A Record-Breaking Blockbuster An Exceptional Theatrical Run Even after five weeks in theaters, “Inside Out 2” is...
The Shooting Incident on the Set of “Rust” About three years ago Halyna Hutchins lost her life in a tragic...
Deadpool: Marvel’s R-rated Adventure When Deadpool, a giddy superhero romp with an R-rating, was released on February 12, 2016, it...
Maxine F——ing Minx is Ready to Take on 1980s Hollywood The Rise of Maxine Prepare to hear “I’m a star!”...