Anything for Jackson Gives the Satanic Business a Refreshingly Normal Touch
How far would you go for your grandchildren?
How far would you go for your grandchildren?
The ten different corners of human consciousness are fragmented in this rarefied and intelligent thriller
William Friedkin is a pleasure to listen to in Leap of Faith — a deep dive on The Exorcist and...
Shudder Exclusive Porno is Uninspiring The price of being a pervert is spuriously explored in the shocksploitation sex horror Porno....
While boasting a great hotel location, Lingering is unable to really create that unsettling mood necessary for horror.
From conspiracy thrillers to dystopian visions, here are ten films that show the darker side of political life.
Same as it ever was (brilliant).
Pour yourself a beer. Or two.
While quite the relaxing experience, Day-Off of Kasumi Arimura can't shake off its feeling of slightness.
While boasting great acting by the two leads, 'Supernova' could've shown far more restraint telling its heartbreaking story.