The Top 10 Heroes of Invincible
One of Invincible’s greatest strengths thus far has been its incredible cast of heroes and villains. In this list we rank its top 10 heroes.
Invincible: The 10 Best Characters
Invincible has just finished up its incredible first season on Amazon Prime Video. In celebration of the gritty, bloody superhero bash, we’ve decided to rank our top 10 heroes from the show. We puzzled hard over the many great characters in Invincible and here’s what we came up with! Let us know how we did in the comments. Please note that this list contains spoilers for the entire first season of Invincible.
10. Omni Man

Though it’s a bit of a reach to call Omni Man a hero after all of the horrible things he’s done, the killer alien still had some badass moments in Invincible‘s first season. A particular standout came in the second episode where Omni Man flew through a portal to punish some aliens intent on conquering the Earth. As he ripped through skyscrapers and laid waste to their planet, he taught them a harsh lesson on what happens when you attack Earth.
Unfortunately, as we now know, Omni Man’s real plan is to conquer the Earth for the Viltrumites. Voiced with no-nonsense charisma by the amazing J.K. Simmons, it’s no wonder that Omni-Man was able to fool the other characters on Invincible for so long. Now the series’ primary antagonist, this Superman-gone-bad, will be a villain that will take a whole lot to bring down, or even challenge, in subsequent seasons.
9. Allen the Alien

Though he may have made a mistake when he came to Earth instead of Uryth, Allen the Alien is still one heck of a guy. Sent to planets throughout the universe to be sure they have a champion capable of defending their planet, Allen is basically a beefed-up social worker. Though Mark proves to be a more than capable match for Allen, the two end up having a seat on the moon to sort out their differences. It’s a funny and quaint end to the fight.
Since Allen showed up again in the season finale of Invincible, we’ll no doubt be seeing more of him in the coming seasons. Will his help be enough to save the humans from the Viltrumite empire? Either way, we’re eager to see more of this charming and affable extraterrestrial.
8. Dupli-Kate/Kate Cha

With the super-cool ability to make doubles of herself, Dupli-Kate is a formidable fighter. Though her doubles are occasionally killed in battle, Kate can keep fighting as long as at least one of her remains alive. An impeccable character to watch during the series’ many battles, Invincible‘s fantastic animation always makes Kate’s scenes come alive.
Though Kate has sown some bad blood by sleeping with Rex Splode, she remains a captivating and interesting member of the new Guardians of the Globe.
7. The Immortal

More than living up to his name, The Immortal seems to keep on coming back from the most horrific and brutal deaths imaginable. First decapitated and then torn in half by Omni Man, The Immortal is set to return from the grave a third time in the season if Cecil’s hidden research station is anything to go on.
Though we have little history to go off, further seasons will undoubtedly explore the history of this character more. How old is he? What kind of conflicts and historical events has he taken place in or lived through? Honestly, I’d love a one-off episode that explores the backstory of this mysterious, unkillable warrior.
6. Monster Girl/Amanda

A fascinating hero who must pay the price every time she uses her powers on Invincible, Monster Girl is much older than she appears to be. However, every time she turns into her monstrous secondary form, she must pay by aging backward. As such, she has the appearance of a mere 14-year-old girl, a factor that causes her much frustration as she’s constantly being talked down to by people who are younger than her.
Still, with her gnarly power set and selfless devotion to the cause Monster Girl remains a compelling character who will remain incredibly useful unless she turns herself into a toddler.
5. Damien Darkblood

One of the most obvious riffs on an existing character in Invincible, Damien Darkblood, is basically Hellboy as a private detective. Voiced with a chilled and stilted tone of voice by the great Clancy Brown, Damien is given plenty of nuance in his short time in the first season.
Having been sent back to hell by Cecil Stedman while things get sorted regarding Omni Man, Damien was essentially punished for doing his job too well. Let’s hope he’s able to claw his way out of the pits of fire and brimstone to rejoin the cast in season 2.
4. Cecil Stedman

Fantastic voice work is a factor that will be shared by each of the top 5 heroes on this list. Invincible’s most morally gray character, Cecil Stedman, boasts maybe the best voice acting of any character on the show. Portrayed impeccably by one of the most underrated actors alive, Walton Goggins, Cecil always has an angle, and he’s always working it.
Though he may come across as cold and calculating, really Cecil is just the ultimate pragmatist. He wants what’s best for the Earth and humanity no matter the cost, and he is, by no means, afraid to get his hands dirty to achieve his aims.
3. Atom Eve/Samantha Eve Wilkins

Atom Eve is by far the most selfless and philanthropic hero on Invincible. Always ready to help a friend or save some lives, Eve even leaves a chance to be a big famous hero behind to do simple, good deeds for those who are truly in need. Stopping mudslides, fixing crops for poor farmers, and saving the rainforest are only some of her achievements, and she goes above and beyond every day.
Honestly, it’s Gillian Jacobs’ warm yet sarcastic take on Atom Eve that really sells her, though. Jacobs is just so likable in the role, and Community fans would no doubt ascertain that this is what Britta would be like if she were a superhero, symbol and all.
2. Invincible/Mark Grayson

Naturally, the titular character of Invincible finds himself close to the top of this list. Powered by Steven Yeun’s emotionally resonant portrayal, Mark Grayson/Invincible grows over the course of the first season from a naive teenager into one of the greatest heroes the Earth has ever seen.
Though he is routinely injured or shattered close to the edge of death, Mark never stops fighting, and he never gives up. He also has a good heart and an immovable moral compass, factors he must reckon with again and again as he faces the harsh realities of being a superhero. His growth and transformation are the engines that power the show and a significant factor in making Invincible work.
1. Robot/Rudy Connors

Like Cecil, Robot is a character who can come across as cold and calculating in Invincible even when he truly believes what he is doing is for the greater good. For example, he suggests nuking a city to offset an interdimensional invasion in the second episode. Still, this separation of self has a tragic and dramatic story behind it.
Born into a crippled body, Rudy Conners constructed his robot surrogates to live some kind of life and helped humanity in the process. Though he behaves duplicitously throughout the season, his aims and goals are both relatable and even noble. He goes to great lengths to save Monster Girl, a character whose body has also betrayed her, and sacrifices his avatars over and over to achieve victory.
Voiced by the stellar Zachary Quinto, despite his somewhat mechanical cadence, small bits of emotion and feeling creep into Robot’s voice, allowing the audience to know that there is more to this character than meets the eye. Despite some morally murky decisions, viewers are ultimately unable to dislike Robot, and with his new form, he may yet achieve even more.