Hottest Hero Happenings is a series in which we summarize the latest hero news. More specifically, said hero news concerns My Hero Academia’s currently airing third season. More more specifically, it operates on a ‘two episode per installment’ basis. More more more specifically, this particular installment will discuss episodes 5 and 6. More more more more spec…no, that would be too specific.
To state that affairs have reached manic status would be a gross understatement. As countless villains violently descend upon the recently harmonious training camp in a bloodthirsty rampage, Izuku and company counter wholeheartedly, indulging in battle after battle after battle (seriously, there’s a lot of battles) in defense of themselves and their friends.
Um, let’s not get caught in that.Kicking off with episode 5, Drive It Home, Iron Fist!!!, Izuku makes tracks after felling the hulking villain Muscular, intent on returning Kota to sanctuary and assisting his friends in their struggles (despite the physical battering he’s sustained). Placing him into the care of professional hero, Class 1-A teacher, and all around kickass fella Shota ‘Eraserhead’ Aizawa, he bolts away, fixated on providing the aid his friends more than likely require (assuming they’re toe to toe with villains akin to Muscular’s ferocious caliber).
Of course, My Hero Academia knows exactly when to inject a hearty dosage of character variation into the mixture, hence its pleasantly unpredictable nature. Brief deviation from Izuku’s plight presents the opportunity for side-characters to pit their resolve against the vile villains that seek to eradicate them. From Eraserhead’s ‘arm break-y’ interrogation of Dabi, to Mandalay and Tiger’s close quarters skirmish with Spinner and Magne, and Katsuki and Shoto’s desperate defense against Moonfish (a weird, weird dude clad in a pitch black straight jacket, boasting the capability of growing his teeth into absurdly elongated pearly white pointers, utilizing them à la long knives), the adrenaline refuses to let up as Drive It Home, Iron Fist!!! capsizes viewers into the white water rapids of popcorn entertaining-y yet narratively purposeful action.
His dentist hates him.Ambitious action with narrative importance.
Let’s cross our fingers that Moonfish follows DJ Khaled’s childishly misogynistic ethos of “not going down”.Said action peaks with Itsuka and Tetsutetsu’s furious face off with villain Mustard, the gas spewing geezer responsible for the poisonous plethora of purple fog creeping ‘n’ seeping throughout the forest. Rarely gifted screen time as a result of their placement in Class 1-B, Itsuka and Tetsutetsu strain against all odds against Mustard’s capable quirk and eclectic assortment of nasty tactics. Such a significant fight being granted to two unlikely heroes is yet another instance of My Hero Academia’s aforementioned stellar unpredictability regarding the showcasing of its characters.
Carrying a gun: A surefire method to cement yourself as a dirtbag.Moving onward to episode 6, Roaring Upheaval, the churning out of wicked showdowns fails to cease. As Midoriya and Mezo come to blows with not a heinous villain, but their classmate and dear friend Fumikage (in response to his quirk, Dark Shadow, raging radically out of control), Roaring Upheaval kicks off its action packed bonanza in bombastic fashion. The unnerving conflict between Ochaco, Tsuyu, and crazy gal Himiko, and the continued struggle from Katsuki and Shoto against mental boi Moonfish; to delve into intense detail of each and every encounter would morph this quick ‘n’ punchy summary into an elaborately expansive thesis of awesome anime action analysis (well, thesis is an exaggeration, but trust that watching My Hero Academia, eyeballs superglued to the screen, is a superior format of absorbing cartoon-y heroism as opposed to reading a deep divulgence of narrative in thesis-esque format).
Snap goes the arm. Better luck next time Dabi.The energy rages rapturously.
With the white knuckle tension refusing to let up, and more “Woah, hot damn that’s cool!” moments than a pyrotechnic packed Rammstein concert, My Hero Academia continues its wildly entertaining third season with generously plentiful portions of the character driven action and story fans have come to expect. With next week aiming to continue riding the wave of fantastic-ness, setting up yet another enticing encounter jam packed with both well known and not so well known heroes and villains, My Hero Academia continues to be that “If you’re not watching it, you’re abso-bloody-lutely missing out” kind of show.
You can watch My Hero Academia on Crunchyroll HERE.