Silent Night, Deadly Night— A twisted Christmas Delight
Little Billy witness his parents getting killed by Santa after being warned by his senile grandpa that Santa punishes those...
Little Billy witness his parents getting killed by Santa after being warned by his senile grandpa that Santa punishes those...
Rare Exports, A Christmas Tale hovers between worlds Every once in a while, a filmmaker will get the idea to...
It's Christmas Eve In L.A. And The Party Action's About To Explode... On The Fortieth Floor!
Join us as we spend the next 25 days writing about some of our favorite Holiday TV specials! Today, we...
25 Days of Holiday TV Specials
Join us as we spend the next 25 days writing about some of our favourite Holiday TV specials! Today we...
Join us as we spend the next 25 days writing about some of our favourite Holiday TV specials! Today, we...
25 Days of Holiday TV Specials
What’s it about? Fred gets into character after he wins the role of Scrooge in the Bedrock Community Theatre’s adaptation...