All Cowboy Bebop Episodes Ranked
See you space cowboy...
See you space cowboy...
The Heike Story is a remarkable anime that's even more astounding if you know the historical tale it's based on.
A ragtag crew of bounty hunters chases down the galaxy's most dangerous criminals. They'll save the world - for the...
It's time to fall into some new shows and we're here to help point you towards which rabbit holes to...
The Deer King “I did not defeat it. The disease still lives within me. Or rather, the disease may be...
We've put together a list of single cour anime that will give you a full and complete story in a...
Mao is traditional shounen through and through, and it embraces that fact despite falling victim to some of the genre's...
The sun has been sizzling the past few months and so has the recent anime season.
Pokémon Adventures: Sword & Shield Vol. 1 hinders itself from a child-friendly focus, yet it is still a good start...
Pokémon Adventures not only aims to capture creator Satoshi Tajiri's original vision of his pocket monster stuffed universe, but it...