Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Has an Engaging Core Almost Crushed by the Weight of the Saga
Every Generation Has A Legend.
Every Generation Has A Legend.
The Mandalorian Season 1 Episode Seven Review: “Chapter Seven: The Reckoning”
The Mandalorian Season 1 Episode Five Review: “Chapter Five: The Gunslinger”
The Mandalorian Season 1 Episode Four Review: “Chapter Four: Sanctuary”
The Mandalorian Episode Three Review: “Chapter Three: The Sin”
The Mandalorian Season 1 Episode Two Review: “Chapter Two: The Child”
The Mandalorian Season 1 Episode One Review: “Chapter One”
Before advances in visual effects, comic books and strips were arguably the best places to experience epic stories of swashbuckling...
Forget Vader- it's the introduction of the Star Destroyer that really establishes the Empire's menace over the galaxy in 'Star...
The Empire Falls....