Bill Skarsgard Ate Steak Tartare, Raw Eggs and No Sugar to Train for ‘The Crow’: ‘He’s a Machine of Destruction’
Bill Skarsgård’s Intense Transformation
Bill Skarsgård experienced a massive physical change when he starred in Lionsgate’s The Crow. The actor who is famous for being a jack of all trades pushed his body to the limit in order to get into character. His strict diet and exercise program were essential in building the remarkable physique required by this role. Before joining The Crow, Skarsgård had already initiated his path towards optimum fitness while still working on an indie action movie, Boy Kills World. He played a mute, brutal fighter with impressive fighting skills reminiscent of John Wick hence much muscle gain was needed. In fact, not only did he have to be physically strong but also fast and accurate as an accomplished martial artist needs to be.
Therefore, Skarsgård followed an intense diet and exercise regimen focusing primarily on consuming high amounts of proteins in order to increase muscle mass which would result in a slender yet muscular body form. Skarsgard didn’t waver from his rigorous routine even as he switched from the film Boy Kills World to shooting The Crow. In both cases, he stuck with the same disciplined regime for eating and exercising so that his body remained at peak fitness levels. This meant that he kept eating loads of lean meats, fish, eggs, and other protein-rich food items which help maintain muscles and facilitate their growth.

Furthermore, his workout plan was tailored towards ensuring that he remained strong enough to perform the extremely physically draining scenes demanded by The Crow. Consequently because of this type of preparation through both diet and exercise regimes Bill Skarsgard could easily switch between roles; all that demanded high physicality thereby requiring endurance levels.
The Rigors of Preparation
Getting ready for The Crow was no mean task. Given likely compound exercises such as weights training combined with cardiovascular activities plus possibly training in martial arts or stunts where necessary. This commitment to maintaining such a tight schedule is even more impressive considering that Skarsgård had just put his body through hell for Boy Kills World. It was this relentless lifestyle that ensured Skarsgard could have a commanding presence in the role of The Crow both physically and emotionally showing him as an actor who can not only act but also transform.
Bill Skarsgård’s path from Boy Kills World to The Crow reflects the tremendous dedication it takes to physically inhabit a character. His determination to stay on such an extreme diet and exercise program shows how committed he is to becoming his character, which translates into very realistic performances. As we anticipate Skarsgard in The Crow, his metamorphosis is only part of his hard work and devotion towards being a better actor.
Rupert Sanders, the director of The Crow, recently revealed that Bill Skarsgård had a very strict diet while shooting the much-anticipated reboot. At an interview during New York’s premier, Sanders disclosed to us how faithful Skarsgård was in changing his body for the character. Sanders would take out Skarsgård for dinner many times and knew exactly what he would order because of his disciplined eating habits. According to him, Skarsgård’s meals were far from ordinary as they consisted only of raw meat and eggs which were testament enough about how serious he was with his physique. The crew enjoyed burgers and hotdogs especially on the late nights in Czech summer while Skarsgård remained health-conscious making others look like amateurs.
Skarsgård as Eric Draven in The Crow
In Lionsgate’s 1994 cult classic reboot The Crow, the actor plays the part of Eric Draven who is a supernatural anti-hero. The original film starred Brandon Lee who is now deceased; it had a profound impact on its viewers and this new version hopes to pay homage with a fresh approach. In the 1994 movie, Eric Draven along with Shelly (FKA Twigs), his girlfriend are brutally killed but resurrected later by an unknown crow.

As the story progresses and transforms, we can see how amazing change happened to Bill’s body. It is through his strict commitment towards diet program plus vigorous exercises that made him develop such kind of form needed by fierce protagonist inside himself . Moreover, at some point in the movie we get to see more details about his muscular structure which shows how much hard work did become necessary regarding transforming himself into Erich Draven character played by Mr.Skarssgard; this just adds more authenticity onto those roles as well as paying further homage to physicality required behind it all thereby ensuring that Bill Skarsgard’s version of The Crow will always remain in memory.
Bill Skarsgård also gave a hint on how he had to prepare himself physically for his role as the protagonist in The Crow as he tried balancing his physique. “I have been training for quite some time,” explained Skarsgård, who stressed that muscle mass was gradually growing up with his trainer’s help. However, he avoided being excessively bulky. It was a unique challenge because while The Crow needed ripped abs, Eric Draven (the alter ego of the character) had to look different. This is where Mr.Skarssgard felt that Erich should not be so skinny but transforming over years like it did happen in Raging Bull would have been impossible given our story context.
The Intense Opera House Scene
During one of the most difficult scenes in the movie, dozens of henchmen are brutally executed by Skarsgård’s Crow, as he makes his way through an opera house towards their mastermind who ordered him killed. Moreover, this intense action packed scene was one of those unforgettable moments during shooting and Rupert Sanders called it ‘shocking day on set.” The preparation involved in playing this character’s physicality together with the complexity related to these types of scenes showed off Skarsgard’s commitment as well strictness which went into building up a performance like The Crow. In addition, this part tested Bill’s athletic limits while portraying emotional intensity and fiery spirit with which such hero has graced covers for years now.
Bill Skarsgård’s dedication to his role in The Crow was outstanding, according to Director Rupert Sanders. Some of the most complicated stunts in this film were performed by him instead of a stunt double. After he had undergone a complete transformation for the movie, Bill portrayed a character who could be seen as both an unstoppable force and one that could show empathy or tenderness at times.
Sanders did not want people to see Skarsgård’s performance in terms of physicality only but rather as something that brought more emotions into the action sequences. This is what differentiates them from ordinary violent scenes since they have aspects of sentimentalism and suspense. Rather than being mere onlookers of disarray, audience members are made to participate actively with the protagonist through these moments which makes such sections stick longer into their minds.
Post-Filming Celebration
Bill Skarsgård, after the wrap of filming, got himself a well earned beer marking the end of his strict diet. Considering his eating habits during filming, he said that he genuinely enjoyed his food and did not need to cheat. Nevertheless, he avoided sugar since he wasn’t a big fan of taking sweets. His biggest treat was alcohol beer which he took as celebration after intense shooting schedule.
On the other hand, FKA Twigs who plays Shelly, Eric’s girlfriend and the reason why he had to go for revenge, has taken a different approach in preparing herself for this role. Contrary to Skarsgård, Twigs did not do any stunts or anything like that. She instead involved herself with raving subcultures in Prague as her physical training. She immersed herself into Prague’s night life spending some time on dance floors to prepare psychologically and physically for her part highlighting the difference between her preparation and Skarsgård’s grueling regimen.